Thursday, September 20, 2012

I Hear-t Your Chest - attuned to the speed of need

A few years ago, I offered free lessons in self-massage at "The Good Medicine Show" in Hollywood. This morning, a woman anxious about her upcoming mammogram, left me a voice message. Little did I know, but she wanted to get a refresher session in how to do self-massage for the breast, using my approach to clear the lymphatic system - Melting Touch Method©.

But... before I could return her call and find out what her question was, I ended up answering it, on Swoop's World webradio show interview about my new ebook. Somehow, I heard your need, Whitney, at the speed of light... SYNCHRONICITY!! She's coming in tomorrow.

On the show, I describe how you can be diagnosed with a "cloudy mammogram", and change those results for the better. Get hands-on lymphatic detox massage sessions, learn & do your own self-massage for decongesting breast tissue and flushing out the toxins & excess fluid, and VOILA! next exam reveals no more density in the X-Ray!

I've seen it several times over, and love knowing that every woman has the power to improve the consistency & health of their breasts. Just a little effort every day, goes a long way.

Stay tuned for Treasure Your Chest in Pink October
 - - - preventive maintenance for reproductive health - - -
 Spreading the good news about effective breast self-massage,
and empowering everyone with practical information.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Playing with Perspective can make your day

I am always wanting to be 360 degrees active - and end up being on the ground or upside down more often than most people I know. That's why I LOVE playing in, around, thru & with my hoop, and call it a "Hollow Globe".

My movement training includes Contact Improvisation (since 1979), an Aikido-based ArtDanceSport, that describes the Floor as your First Partner. And you should respect the floor! Learning how to fall and get up again with grace, efficiency & style are qualities we all strive for, in the artfulness of being a Dancer.

Guess what, that's just what we need in Life!! See my new eBook, chock full of resources to keep you young - Feel Like Yourself Again.

Gaining a new perspective when you are off balance, by learning to take a tumble, fall, roll with it, flow with it, ease your way into the new direction that Life presents... well, that attitude is what dreams are based on....

It's OK to keep changing the direction you are looking, just means you are living in 360 degrees of possibilities!