Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Playing with Perspective can make your day

I am always wanting to be 360 degrees active - and end up being on the ground or upside down more often than most people I know. That's why I LOVE playing in, around, thru & with my hoop, and call it a "Hollow Globe".

My movement training includes Contact Improvisation (since 1979), an Aikido-based ArtDanceSport, that describes the Floor as your First Partner. And you should respect the floor! Learning how to fall and get up again with grace, efficiency & style are qualities we all strive for, in the artfulness of being a Dancer.

Guess what, that's just what we need in Life!! See my new eBook, chock full of resources to keep you young - Feel Like Yourself Again.

Gaining a new perspective when you are off balance, by learning to take a tumble, fall, roll with it, flow with it, ease your way into the new direction that Life presents... well, that attitude is what dreams are based on....

It's OK to keep changing the direction you are looking, just means you are living in 360 degrees of possibilities!

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