Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year 2013

2012 REFLECTIONS: I am always shedding skins... It's been such an exotic ride the last few years, in 2007 I ended teaching tantra yoga after 7 years, and recommitted to Dance thru Hooping! And finally COMMITTED in Feb. to completing my How-to-101 Book. The writing of it turned into a compendium: 30 years of notes, articles & lectures from my career teaching massage students, clients and health pros, now I want to reach the everyday person. My Book so far has been offered as a self-published PDF, and I printed out appx 100 copies in color. The Kindle version will have embedded video clips, hyperlinks, products, and terrific testimonials collected from have a lot of pre-launch activity. I've sold appx 50 digital and 50 inPrint versions of my Book!

Feel Like Yourself Again: how to heal & recover from injury surgery & illness; "The Every Day Person's Handbook for self-renewal" -

Jan 2013 I'm completing conversion for Kindle launch, then I will start a series of Webinars, using powerpoint slideshow based on PDF pages, selling the Kindle version to go along with it. I plan to book appearances, trainings, create niches programs- starting with breast cancer prevention/recovery... The Breast Massage video I created Oct 1 already has 3500 hits - see

So much! is in my "Melting Touch Empire" planner, and it may begin with teaching the "Yoga of Touch" to my latest Tribe AKA what I call: the People's Circus AKA Trick Collectors. The Flow Arts include dance hooping, poi spinning, staff, flags, fire, and many coolio toys & endless inventiveness, and we love to practice jam, practice, share, practice, jam, fun, whew! I've evolved from hula hoop on the waist, to doubles, mini's and firehoop - from indoor soft-rolling contact improv, to outdoor edgy Contact Poi spinning - from barefoot ecstatic freeform dance, to Salsa and Mambo partner dance in heels - from outcall massage appointments, to Dynamic Vitality Training in-office sessions.

GREAT YEAR 2012! Thanks for my family & community connections, my social media expert Jackie Hesley, help from all my loyal clients and dance  & hoop buddies, patience from book coach, and holding precious the wonderful 3 weeks in Buenos Aires last Jan. with my niece Gretchen. Moving forward will be a new adventure, as my mom likes to say. And yes, Jean is doing fine, happy & well taken care of in assisted living, close to my siblings Christina & Dennis in the DC/VA area. My other sister in Redondo Amy & family are busy in their many lives, my niece Rachel lives in Venice, and my Goddaughter Rosie Fry has moved from Berkeley to Hollywood, where she is enrolled in the American Musical & Dance Academy.

-Here's wishing all of us plenty of joy, stamina and inspiration for the New Year - XOMJ

Warmly, Marci Javril

•home: 310.306.9838 •cell: 310.486.4753 text/voice
•mailing address: 13428 Maxella Ave. #136, MDR, CA 90292 USA

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JOIN my Newsletter -
Free Downloads -

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I Hear-t Your Chest - attuned to the speed of need

A few years ago, I offered free lessons in self-massage at "The Good Medicine Show" in Hollywood. This morning, a woman anxious about her upcoming mammogram, left me a voice message. Little did I know, but she wanted to get a refresher session in how to do self-massage for the breast, using my approach to clear the lymphatic system - Melting Touch Method©.

But... before I could return her call and find out what her question was, I ended up answering it, on Swoop's World webradio show interview about my new ebook. Somehow, I heard your need, Whitney, at the speed of light... SYNCHRONICITY!! She's coming in tomorrow.

On the show, I describe how you can be diagnosed with a "cloudy mammogram", and change those results for the better. Get hands-on lymphatic detox massage sessions, learn & do your own self-massage for decongesting breast tissue and flushing out the toxins & excess fluid, and VOILA! next exam reveals no more density in the X-Ray!

I've seen it several times over, and love knowing that every woman has the power to improve the consistency & health of their breasts. Just a little effort every day, goes a long way.

Stay tuned for Treasure Your Chest in Pink October
 - - - preventive maintenance for reproductive health - - -
 Spreading the good news about effective breast self-massage,
and empowering everyone with practical information.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Playing with Perspective can make your day

I am always wanting to be 360 degrees active - and end up being on the ground or upside down more often than most people I know. That's why I LOVE playing in, around, thru & with my hoop, and call it a "Hollow Globe".

My movement training includes Contact Improvisation (since 1979), an Aikido-based ArtDanceSport, that describes the Floor as your First Partner. And you should respect the floor! Learning how to fall and get up again with grace, efficiency & style are qualities we all strive for, in the artfulness of being a Dancer.

Guess what, that's just what we need in Life!! See my new eBook, chock full of resources to keep you young - Feel Like Yourself Again.

Gaining a new perspective when you are off balance, by learning to take a tumble, fall, roll with it, flow with it, ease your way into the new direction that Life presents... well, that attitude is what dreams are based on....

It's OK to keep changing the direction you are looking, just means you are living in 360 degrees of possibilities!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Keeping Vitality in your Life!

about How to sustain vitality in your everyday activities.
Photo by @JackieHesley of #SocialBoutikLA

Monday, August 27, 2012

Bradbury Lands in the Hearts of Space

My childhood hero is honored! Bradbury Landing is the newly named homebase for Mars Rover - NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has begun driving from its landing site, which scientists announced today they have named for the late author Ray Bradbury. Making its first movement on the Martian surface, Curiosity's drive combined forward, turn and reverse segments. This placed the rover roughly 20 feet (6 meters) from the spot where it landed 16 days ago. NASA has approved the Curiosity science team's choice to name the landing ground for the influential author, who was born 92 years ago today and died this year. The location where Curiosity touched down is now called Bradbury Landing."This was not a difficult choice for the science team," said Michael Meyer, NASA program scientist for Curiosity. "Many of us and millions of other readers were inspired in our lives by stories Ray Bradbury wrote to dream of the possibility of life on Mars."

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Do your eyes wonder or wander?

Eyes in the back of your head? Eye in the middle of your forehead, or Ayes in the thighs as in sighs. Or eyes in the palms of your hands... Frank says I have a brain in every finger...

What would your hands be, if they were to be reshaped into a new persona? your body? your heart?

Wondering is a massively vitalizing experience, because it causes your  right & left , hind, and cerebellum brains to all try to work togther, piecing together instinct, memory, visual mis-matches, and eye trickery, yet overridden by logic and rationalization.

How quickly can you train your brain to stay focused on the facts and not the figment of imagination...??

Wonder, that

Friday, August 3, 2012

Red Rover, red rover, let Marci come over Mars!!

I grew up in the Space age, dreaming of becoming an astronaut, studying physics, chemistry, accelerated math. Remember, I was a four-eyes, and so it made sense for me to want to go beyond where most women were comfortable, into the men's world of space exploration.

But as we all know, the space program slowly came to a screeching halt, and has only recently re-booted itself. And much of it is going on in the private sector, gently disguised and yet stretching forward.

I was an avid science fiction fan, and mentalized myself as a member of the planetary community of the Martian Chronicles: a misfit who could become a mutating, changeable chameleon whenever anyone put their thoughts on me... what a concept, that the Other race would have less self-identity? Musings of Ray Bradbury. I personally wanted to live in the next Colony...

                               SUNDAY TOUCH DOWN** use this link for LIVE access!!  

And so, I am eagerly looking forward to watching the vistas of Mars' horizons unfold, the crater edge showing us ancient history of our solar system, and perhaps an inkling into our own origins...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Jackie made me meme it - recreation at its best!

Photo by @JackieHesley my #HoopTrainer and #SocialMedia expert - great hair capture! Making memes with your personal philosophy is a #newtrend in the latest evolution of interface between hi-tech and Artistic self-expression. Have you got yours?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My high school PE teacher pushed me from uneven bars to dancing from a rope

In junior high, our gym P.E. teacher seemed barely older than we were, likely straight out of college, and many times I suspected her of being secretly competitive with us students. Sure enough, when she taught the class how to use the uneven parallel bars, she showed me her true colors.

"Marci, come up here and try this trick, I'll spot you." She knew I could pretty much do anything, try anything, I had taken gymnastics & ballet for a few years. So, courageous girl that I was, I flung myself around the wood, flying, splaying, praying that I would not splat onto the mat.

Gloria was not even there!
I noticed, as I elevated myself off my ankles, from the deep crouch of my stick. She had walked away, and left me to possibly fall without a monitor to my momentum. "Oh, I see you figured out that you had to bend your knees" she mumbled, jeering over me.

Needless to say, when I appeared at the Cheerleading auditions, she and her bff chemistry teacher Ms M. got into a huddle. When they emerged, I saw there was a black line through my name and Gloria had successfully rid herself of her greatest competitor, a 14 year-old girl.

At first, I was outraged. I could do better splits, turns, somersaults, and high kicks than anyone there. Humph! But after the basketball season began, and I saw the boring unison routines that the girls were doing, how they all had to become one of a crowd. I realized Gloria had done me a huge favor.

The next year I went on to become the youngest Choreographer in the history of my High School, restarting their Musical Comedy tradition. I persuaded the choir director I was a capable collaborator, and staged "The King & I" with my best friend Rick from community theatre as the male lead, and myself as the dance lead.

The next year we did "Carousel", and it was just the beginning of a long, long career in the performing arts...

Because of a jealous gym teacher, I was blocked out of being a cheerleader, and instead became an improvisational explorer, dangling from ropes and being flown from the rafters!

Instead of the strict structure of a colorguard team, I was led thru the Door of boundless imagination...

THANKS to Creative Intelligence and the Flow that Knows, I was chosen to go the way I am today.

May you always fly when you least expect it!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Book Signing PARTY! 8/19/12 with free Playshop & HeathNut Mixer

Book Signing PARTY! 8/19/12
with free Playshop & HeathNut Mixer

RSVP for 1 person, your email will be entered to WIN* 1 of 3 door prizes, valued at $150+. LIMITED RUN!! Pre-order your copies of eBookinPrint BY AUG 10 for only $27, price at party =$35.

Feel Like Yourself Again by Marci Javril, Vitality Expert
How to heal & recover from injury, surgery & illness. Self-help methods made simple for daily use. Guidelines for cleansing, internal organs detox, soften scars & adhesions, reduce pain & swelling, improve digestion, boost immunity, increase circulation, optimize your vitality! 145 pages spiral-bound manual color illustrated. Bibliography, charts, references, links, bonuses.
click to download Free Preview & Table of Contents

get'em while they're hot-off-the-pressecstatic dance
Play Book P a r t y Mixer
Sunday, August 19, 2012

from 4 - 8 pm

at By Your Side Dance Studio

12613 Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA (West Culver City) 90066
just East of the Handy-J Car Wash where Washington splits

4-6pm Brilliant BodyTemple Playshop 
drop-in at any time

  •Interactive Exercises from Chapter 7: 
7 Simple Steps for Detox

Integral yoga, ecstatic breathing, bouncing, dry skin-brush, melting touch massage,
love muscle toning, YourBodyofWater, healing stories, Q+A

Fre.ePlayshop - Brilliant BodyTemple
Massage Circle6-8pm Book Signing & HealthNut Mixer
Pick up your pre-paid
& let me THANK you in person!

Purchase a BOOK at party for $35, while they last


•FreeFlow of Dance + Chill Lounge + Snacks
Network & exchange talents in alternative health,
Bring cards & flyers, Bring yoga mat, pillows, towel,
hoops, toys or tools to share

Door Prize Drawing
*Sign my Guestbook at Party to be eligible to win Top Prize*  
$150 in prizes - eBook LINK,  BOOKinPrint,  1-hour Gift Certificate*

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Learning how to sew, taught me how to go with my own Flow

My mom was a great seamstress and made most of our clothes, including doll clothes. As I grew up, I became more & more eager to sew with the sewing machine, instead of by hand, but Mom did NOT want to teach me. She said I had to wait until they taught me in Home Economics (7th grade...?). Then she would trust me with the dangerous sewing machine needle and powerful foot pedal.

OK, grumbling but not stymied, I made an entire patchwork jumpsuit by hand. I determined the pattern by placing the pieces on the ground, cutting it out just by eyeballing it. I wore that jumpsuit until it was in shreds. But by the time I got my hands on a sewing machine, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it! And I did, and from ages 8-38+, I proceeded to make my own wardrobe of clothes, designed costumes for shows, special effects & dance performances.

My hands were just beginning to show how hungry they were to create ...pottery, music, drumming....(more stories later)

Choosing fabric & patterns to make my own clothing gave me a chance to really be unique, no one had my dress, no one shared the same pants outfit. Mom encouraged me to be different, and to choose my specific styles & color combinations, and alter the dress pattern to suit my own stature & purpose.

Learning how to do it myself, and making what I produced ONE OF A KIND, became a metaphor for other projects in my life. I only hope that young people everywhere get the kind of attention and praise that I did... by persisting, and trying new things, opening my mind to ways that would be unusual, or from a new perspective - this was how I learned to sew my own clothes, and ultimately, to go with my own flow.

Thanks Jean, for guiding me to do it for myself, my own way, in many ways, every day.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

tweets for BookSigning 8/19 #FeelLikeBookParty

Follow me! #FeelLikeBookParty
Tweets about my PlayShop, Book SIgning Party + HealthNut Mixer on 8/19, related bonuses, notices, Guest appearances & tips.
Eventbrite - Earlybird discount eBookinPrint- FeelLikeYourselfAgain! Get copy Sunday Aug. 19 at BookSigning Party + HealthNut Mixer (want it mailed? + postage)
order book at earlybird price only $27
RSVP for fr.e.e. event and be entered for doorprizes

 Celebrate my eBOOK going into Print!

Book Signing P A R T Y on SUN. AUG. 19
with FR.E.E. Playshop  & HealthNut Mixer

Let's P A R T Y !! - YOU ASKED for it... So many people want to hold my new eBook in their hot little hands, in the PHYSICAL form of paper pages turn, gaze over, peruse, remember, remark, and discover... SO I'm doing a limited PrintRun of only 200 copies - and you can pick one or more up before the summer is over! 
Feel Like Yourself Again BOOK spiralboundFeel Like Yourself Again by Marci Javril, Vitality Expert
How to heal & recover from injury, surgery & illness. Self-help methods made simple for daily use. Guidelines for cleansing, internal organs detox, soften scars & adhesions, reduce pain & swelling, improve digestion, boost immunity, increase circulation, optimize your vitality! includes: bibliography, charts, references, links, bonuses. download Table of Contents in Preview

eBOOKinPrint earlybird price =only $27 - Order by AUGUST 10th
GET your BOOK at P a r t y - or contact me for options. Book Price at party =$35

Drop-in with your friends & colleagues for loads of FUN, smart & cheap ways to get & stay healthy. Brilliant BodyTemple Playshop is based on Chapter 7: 7 Simple Steps for Detox (see end of email). Refine what you already know, and discover what you've forgotten. During HealthNut Mixer, feel free to exchange and learn about each other's skills, such as...? acro-yoga, hypnosis, reflexology, herbs, Reiki, chocolate recipes, raw food, etc.

Please! bring your business cards (submit 1 for Door Prize Drawing), flyers, or favorite HEALTH item to share. I want to get to know you better and keep growing good referrals for my Resource List and Chapter 12: Building Your Alternative Health Team.

get'em while they're hot-off-the-pressecstatic dance
Play Book P a r t y Mixer
Sunday, August 19, 2012 from 4 - 8 pm
at By Your Side Dance Studio

12613 Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA (West Culver City) 90066

Fre.ePlayshop - Brilliant BodyTemple4-6pm Brilliant BodyTemple Playshop 
drop-in at any time

•Interactive Exercises from Chapter 7: 
7 Simple Steps for Detox
• Integral yoga, ecstatic breathing, bouncing, dry skin-brush, melting touch massage, love muscle toning, YourBodyofWater, healing stories, Q+A

Massage Circle6-8pm Book Signing & HealthNut Mixer
Pick up your pre-paid eBookinPrint & let me THANK you in person! Purchase a BOOK at party for $35, while they last

•FreeFlow of Dance + Chill Lounge + Snacks • Network & exchange talents in alternative health, Bring cards & flyers, Bring yoga mat, pillows, towel, hoops, toys or tools to share
7:30pm Door Prize Drawing
Sign my Guestbook at Party to be eligible to win Top Prize*
$150 in prizes - eBook LINK,  BOOKinPrint,  1-hour Gift Certificate*

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thanks, Tina Fey, for making glasses sexy again

I was one of those four-eyed girls with coke-bottles for glasses. Coming home with the Red envelope instead of the Blue one after a third grade school eye exam, I was sure my eyes didn't "pass" because I had squirted hand lotion in them by mistake that morning. NO! Give me the Blue One! I cried, having to wear those awful frames on my nose, and after a few years, grumpily needed bifocals.

When Contact Lenses came out, I was one of the youngest people in the USA to be fitted (1962), and somehow wearing those original hard ones made my eyes reshape, and they got better over the next few years. I have spent my lifetime attempting to "fix" my softVision, and learned so much about how we "see".

First, I believe that when I was switched from being naturally Left-handed, to being forced to use my right hand (yes, they slapped my hand and put the pencil in "Mr. Rightie") my brain went a little sideways. Good and bad. I think this really helped me in having to use BOTH sides of my brain, and I have put in focused energy to maintain being as ambidextrious as possible. Notice that not only did I turn out to be creative, I am also very scientific, and so I find my L/R-brain activity to have a great Oneness quality that seems rare, people tend to be one or the other...

Second, in my training as a clairvoyant, it helped me to already be in softVision, as required. Thus, once my Third eye was opened thru Kriya Tantric Yoga practice of Cosmic Cobra Breath, I am now able to "see" the colors of the Aura, and get images & shapes from the subtle body frequencies. Gracias a Deus.

Third, as a student of health, I have used Chinese eye exercises, the Bates Method, Gloria Ginn's concepts, and many private sessions with experimental Opthamologist/Healer Deborah Banker, who all helped me immensely. Now I maintain a prescription that has barely changed over the last 20 years, wear contacts when I want to be "pretty", glasses for driving or computer, and walk around WITHOUT CORRECTION in my relaxed softVision state as often as possible.

BTW- Don't you think Tina Fey makes the Librarian-Look hotter than ever?!

Friday, July 13, 2012

SCAN 4 V.I.P. List

Here's that cool looking black+white Rubixtechnocube that will take you immediately to sign-up for my monthly EZine, YOGAofTOUCH and get IMMEDIATE access to V.I.P. discounts, free downloads, bonuses, resources, links & references. you know what to do

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Perfect pitch turns me into a liar

As a child, one doesn't know what is considered real Talent, and what is "just me being me" normal. When I began to play piano by ear at age 5, my parents sent me to lessons. But even after 3 years, it turned out I wasn't sight-reading the pieces, I was replicating what I had HEARD when the teacher played  them to me! My perfect pitch turned out to keep me from learning how to READ music. But not for long...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Follow Me on Pinterest I will be posting stuff related to current Blog 

Dancing on the edge of the picnic table

Remembering... Dancing on the picnic table while Daddy was practicing with his Big Band, out in the midst of the meadow, the County Fairgrounds being our home for the week... I loved hearing the drums and horns rattling and raising the rhythm, stirring something deep inside me, could NOT keep my legs from moving. Daddy would pick me up, putting my feet down firmly, telling me to watch the edge, because I would get excited while concentrating on the enticing music, and might lose track of being on an elevated surface.

This turned out to be a Life Metaphor that I relived in many different versions... more to come...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Refine your BodyTemple: self-renewal methods for daily use

Learn simple, effective methods to refresh and renew your BodyTemple! especially how to recover fully from injuries, using hands-on massage, toys, tools, ergonomics, yogic breathing colon cleansing, scar softening +more. Compiled from 30+yrs in healing & performing arts. I'm extending V.I.P. discount for my eBOOK until the end of JULY!! so please sign up for - - and you will immediately be taken to secret LINK for great bonuses & prices.